lunedì 11 luglio 2011

New Ubucompilator Icon

You probably know Ubucompilator (if you don't, know it!), it's an intresting program by Gusions, an important blogger (but not only this) in ossblog, an the mainteiner of eOS IT team (i joined some days ago, thanks to Gusions :D ). So I've seen its web site ( and i thought that the icon was nice but to thank him I could make my job and create an icon!

Ubucompilator is an app with GUI that simply allows the everyday pc-user to make and complie .deb packages, I don't have to explain the meaning of my icon, it's evident! :D

So enjoy, reblog, rate and comment the new icon that will be published soon in !

P.S. It's made with inkscape, it's under Creative Commons license.

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